Carrying Positivity Into The New Year

As with the end of every year, these waning hours of 2013 are an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months, and look forward to what goals we have for the next 12. With the challenges and triumphs that are a part of the human experience we often forget that we, for the most part, are in control of our destinies. The fulfillment of our desires for 2013 were dependent upon our ability to achieve our goals, and the fulfillment of our desires for 2014 will be dependent upon the same. I sincerely hope that 2014 will be a year when you will continue to grow and build upon the successes of 2013. If it was not a particularly good year for you, I hope that the next 12 months will be the year that you find the strength and resources to create positive change.

For me personally, 2013 has been primarily positive. In my life, this past year saw new experiences, new challenges, and the strengthening of my mind, body, and family. 2013 brought with it many opportunities for me to grow as a person, most notably the deepening of my love for the world around me. 2013 was a year of learning and deep thought. It was a year of happiness and despair, struggle and victory. My advocacy work in support of the LGBTQ community came with a price. It cost me the support of some of my loved ones, the loss of some friends, a couple attacks on my character, and even two or three threats. It was a year when I met many people conflicted with their own internal struggles of self-identity, and my resolve to influence and create change for their benefit was made much greater … 2013 was the year in which the cost of fighting for humanity ceased to be an issue. No matter what the stakes, it’s worth it.

If you are experiencing difficulties at this time of year, I encourage you to think of the positivity that found its way to you over the past 12 months. These things may be very hard to identify, I know, but try to think about what good things happened in 2013. It is often the case that tragedy results in something positive (ie: people coming together to raise money for disaster relief, or a person acting with charity and love in honour of a deceased loved one). As we move into a new year, fresh with possibilities, let’s all make it our mission to build upon the positivity of the year before. If at all possible, let’s enter the new year with ambiton, resolve, encouragement, strength, and love. This time of year … the end of one and beginning of the next … is a time to recognize how far we have come and resolve to continue.